Walking for Wellness

Walking for Wellness Step by Step

Engaging in regular walking can help regulate your sleep patterns. It helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper, more restorative sleep.

Walking has a myriad of benefits some are well-known such as being cost free with no restrictions to being in a certain place or time. Other benefits you may not have considered include boosting immunity and enhancing creativity. Getting out in nature or being outside in general boosts our wellbeing and gives us a reset. Walking is a great daily habit to get into to form part of your wellness routine.

Previously mentioned in my blog Be You Best Friend walking is something easy you can do by yourself. It is something that can be done initially before branching out into other solo activities. This can be the first step literally in getting to know and enjoy your own company more.

Walking Benefits for Introverts

As an introvert working in an office environment, I find it essential to incorporate walking at least before work and every lunchtime rain or shine.  In addition, I choose to go outside for 10 minutes for my morning break.  Both the morning and lunchtime breaks are a must for me to give myself a mini reset. This makes it easier to get through the day in more positive mindset.  Give it a go and try for a week if you’re not already to see if you feel better at the end of the week.

One idea to incorporate more walking is a pre-work walk. You could find a way to walk through a park in the morning. Preferably in addition at lunchtime you could walk around the vicinity of your workplace.  Each time you can try walking a different way until you’ve fully discovered the area. Discover different places and so many things you will only find by walking.

Walking Enhances Creativity

One of the less known benefits of walking is that it enhances creativity. This is most important to me as I see myself as a creative. Specifically, it has been shown that it can help clear the mind and improve divergent thinking which is key to creative problem-solving. I can confirm these findings from my own personal experience. I feel a lot more refreshed and in a more creative mood post walking.

Walking (Outdoors) Improves Mood

Walking outdoors exposes you to natural light which helps regulate your circadian rhythm that regulates your sleep, temperature and hormones. All physical activity can improve your mood however it is walking specifically that can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Walking Boosts Immune Function

Walking regularly has been shown to enhance your immune function. People who walk regularly are less likely to catch colds and other infections.

Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases

It’s known that walking helps with cardiovascular health, it also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and stroke.

Improves Balance and Coordination

Regular walking helps improve your balance and coordination. This is beneficial for you long term as having good balance and coordination reduces the risk of falls and related injuries.

Walk for Longevity

Studies have shown that regular walking can contribute to a longer life. Even small amounts of walking can add years to your lifespan by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall health.

Incorporating walking into your daily routine can lead to a multitude of benefits that go beyond just physical health. Walking therefore is a simple yet effective way to enhance your overall well-being.

Walking Vlogs

One of my current creative interests has merged with walking in creating a YouTube channel that is initially starting with walking style videos Jay Walker – YouTube 

Plans are to expand video content to include general wellness and lifestyle through the lens of an introvert.  If you have an interest in photography or making vlogs you could also consider filming some of your walks to share.

Love you to join me on my YouTube journey, I have my first three videos posted that you can view directly by clicking on each of the images below 🙂